In today's interconnected world, the ability to monitor devices remotely has become indispensable. With the Raspberry Pi Pico W and Mosquitto MQTT broker, you can effortlessly monitor the internal temperature of your Pico W from anywhere within your local area network (LAN). In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk through the seamless process of setting up your Raspberry Pi Pico W to transmit its internal temperature data to a Mosquitto MQTT broker, enabling remote monitoring through an MQTT client.
- Raspberry Pi Pico W
- Access to a Local Wi-Fi Network
- Laptop or Computer to Run the Mosquitto MQTT Broke
- MQTT Client Software (e.g., MQTT Explorer, MQTT.fx)
Setting up the Raspberry Pi Pico W
- Connectivity: Ensure your Raspberry Pi Pico W is connected to your system for programming.
- Library Installation: Install the necessary libraries for reading the internal temperature sensor on the Pico W.
Installing and Configuring Mosquitto MQTT Broker
- Installation: Install the Mosquitto MQTT broker on your laptop or computer. [Watch Video Tutorial]
- Configuration: Configure Mosquitto to run on your local network. Ensure accessibility from external networks by configuring port forwarding on your router. [Watch Video Tutorial]
Writing the Code
# Import necessary libraries
import time
from machine import ADC
from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient
# WiFi and MQTT Broker Configuration
WIFI_SSID = "" # Insert your WiFi SSID
WIFI_PASSWORD = "" # Insert your WiFi password
MQTT_BROKER = "" # Insert your MQTT broker IP address or domain
MQTT_PORT = 1883 # Default MQTT port
MQTT_TOPIC = "Internal Pico-W Temp" # MQTT topic to publish temperature data
# ADC Configuration
ADCPIN = 4 # ADC pin for reading temperature
# MQTT Client Configuration
client = MQTTClient("pico_client", MQTT_BROKER, MQTT_PORT)
# Function to read temperature from internal sensor
def read_temperature():
adc_value = adc.read_u16() # Read ADC value
volt = (3.3 / 65535) * adc_value # Convert ADC value to voltage
temperature = 27 - (volt - 0.706) / 0.001721 # Convert voltage to temperature
return round(temperature, 1) # Round temperature to one decimal place
# Function to connect to WiFi network
def connect_to_wifi():
import network
station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # Create WiFi station interface # Activate WiFi station
station.connect(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD) # Connect to WiFi
while not station.isconnected(): # Wait until connected
print("Connected to WiFi")
# Function to connect to MQTT broker
def connect_to_mqtt():
client.connect() # Connect MQTT client to broker
print("Connected to MQTT Broker")
# Function to publish temperature to MQTT broker
def publish_temperature():
temperature = read_temperature() # Read temperature
client.publish(MQTT_TOPIC, str(temperature)) # Publish temperature to MQTT topic
#print("Published temperature:", temperature) # Uncomment for debug
# Main function
def main():
connect_to_wifi() # Connect to WiFi network
connect_to_mqtt() # Connect to MQTT broker
while True:
publish_temperature() # Publish temperature data
time.sleep(5) # Wait 5 seconds before next reading
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() # Run main function when script is executed
- Ensure your Raspberry Pi Pico W is powered on and connected to the same network as your MQTT broker.
- Run the provided Python script on your Raspberry Pi Pico W to start publishing temperature data.
With the completion of these steps, you've successfully established a system to monitor the internal temperature of your Raspberry Pi Pico W remotely using a Mosquitto MQTT broker. Regardless of your location within your LAN, you now have real-time access to temperature data, facilitating proactive monitoring and maintenance of your Pico W device.
For further assistance and detailed code explanations, refer to the accompanying YouTube video tutorial. Happy monitoring!
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